Soft, gauzy cotton with a silky, wonderful feel. Glides over your fingers- floats on air. Fantastic! For all your Arabian night fantasies.
Not recommended for clothing or accessories.
Fabric Details
- 100% cotton, Optically Whitened
- 1.4 oz per square yard, 55" wide - IMPORTANT - use Fire Retardant on lightweight fabrics (less than 2.6 oz/sq yd) when using for drapery, public installations or any kind of decorations! Not recommended for clothing except as under linings.
- Thread count is 80 threads per inch x 72 threads per inch
- You can dye this with our Fiber Reactive Dyes
- Suggested usage; layering on art quilts, drapes, theatrical props, gift bags, undergarments etc. Only when treated with a Fire Retardant.
- We found that this shrinks 3% in Width and 10% in Length disclaimer
- Super sheer and light weight, very flows nicely
- Available in cut yardage (bulk discounts levels at 10+ yds.) and in 30 yard bolts
- Machine wash in any temperature water
Remember, bolts vary! They can be over or under - we charge you for the actual yardage. If you need very specific yardage, order cut yardage.
There are a few things you should know about our fabrics...