Featured Artists

Featured Artist : Ali Pate

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Artist Bio / Statement

Yarns as exciting as Road Trip Adventures! I'm ali, the indie dyer behind Road Trip Sock Yarn®. Inspired by local/ regional history and tourist attractions, each color collection is custom dyed for every location. Add souvenir skeins for all of your fun Road Trip yarn shop hops.

Dharma Acid Dyes and citric acid have been my go to products from the very beginning, back in 2018. I favor their consistent, intense colors, but love their customer service. My dye style is a bit different than many others, in that my Road Trip yarns are dyed twice. Before dancing in a sea of speckles, yarns relax in a happy dye bath. This process allows for extreme tonal variations to sit side by side with crisp speckles. All of this color is achieved in my home studio in Denver, Colorado, where I take advantage of my water collection and reuse system and have my heat sourced from wind and solar energies. Take a little glimpse at my workspace by watching my YouTube (roadtripsockyarn) titled "Greener Front Range".

Find yarns I've dyed on my Etsy, Instagram, or ask your local shop to create a custom collection for your region. Shop owners looking to add Road Trip Sock Yarn® to your shop collections can visit www.roadtripsockyarn.com to register for an account to get the process started.

Contact Info

Email: roadtripsockyarn@gmail.com

Website: https://roadtripsockyarn.com/ (for wholesale only)

Etsy: roadtripsockyarn

Instagram: @roadtripsockyarn

Threads: @roadtripsockyarn


Dharma Products Used

Dharma Acid Dyes
Citric Acid Powder

Customer Comments
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