Habotai Scarves 8mm

Habotai Scarves 8mm
4.71 star rating 4.71 ( 1253 review )
Product Details 1-11 12+
H86 - Habotai 8mm Scarf - 6" x 24" $1.77 1.67
H88 - Habotai 8mm Scarf - 8" x 54" $3.48 3.28
H822 - Habotai 8mm Scarf - 21.5" x 21.5" $3.48 3.28
H88B - Black Habotai 8mm - 8" x 54" $3.99 3.75
H8LS - Habotai 8mm 8" x 72" $4.66 4.39
H811 - Habotai 8mm Scarf - 11" x 60" $5.15 4.85
H811B - Black Habotai 8mm - 11" x 60" $5.88 5.54
H815 - Habotai 8mm Scarf - 15" x 60" $6.49 6.11
H830 - Habotai 8mm Scarf - 30" x 30" $7.03 6.62
H814 - Habotai 8mm Scarf - 14" x 72" $7.19 6.77
H835 - Habotai 8mm Scarf - 35" x 35" $8.20 7.72
H814B - Black Habotai 8mm - 14" x 72" $8.31 7.82
H835B - Black Habotai 8mm - 35" x 35" $9.36 8.81
H872 - Habotai 8mm Scarf - 22 x 72 $10.02 9.43
H844 - Habotai 8mm - 44" x 44" $13.12 12.35
H82290 - Habotai 8mm Scarf - 22" x 90" $13.54 12.74
Product Details Qty
Color Chip / Item image 6" x 24"
This product is sellable
Color Chip / Item image 8" x 54"
This product is sellable
Color Chip / Item image 21.5" x 21.5"
These hems may have a synthetic thread. Stock may be mixed, and there is no way to tell before dyeing; See MH8 for machine hemmed version
This product is sellable
Color Chip / Item image 8" x 72"
This product is sellable
Color Chip / Item image 11" x 60"
This product is outofstock
Color Chip / Item image 15" x 60"
This product is sellable
Color Chip / Item image 30" x 30"
This product is sellable
Color Chip / Item image 14" x 72"
This product is sellable
Color Chip / Item image 35" x 35"
These hems may have a synthetic thread. Stock may be mixed.
This product is sellable
Color Chip / Item image 22" x 72"
This product is sellable
Color Chip / Item image 44" x 44"
This product is sellable
Color Chip / Item image 22" x 90"
This product is sellable
Color Chip / Item imageColor Chip Black - 8" x 54"
This product is sellable
Color Chip / Item imageColor Chip Black - 11" x 60"
This product is sellable
Color Chip / Item imageColor Chip Black - 14" x 72"
This product is sellable
Color Chip / Item imageColor Chip Black - 35" x 35"
This product is sellable
All prices calculated in US$
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New! Check out our Machine Hemmed 8mm Habotai scarves. New!

Also known as "China Silk", these lightweight and breezy blank Habotai scarves are the most popular for dyeing and painting, probably because they are the most economical of all the silks. That also makes these very popular with teachers for class projects, Mother's day gifts, etc. Silk painting instructors often choose these for their student's first projects. The price is right for big fund raisers too! They make the perfect weight scarf for summer wear. "Playsilks" are very popular with the kids right now, and these are what are usually used. These have hand rolled hems with 100% silk thread. Ready to dye and paint!

We also have a few sizes in black, by popular demand. They look great when used with some of our more opaque or metallic fabric paints or the foils. Some folks use them with discharge techniques too. Just keep in mind that there is never a guarantee that a black will always discharge, because especially with imported stuff, the dye they are using can change. Also, the color you get when you discharge can vary widely, from a light tan to a dark rust brown. Always best to test if you want to discharge a black garment or fabric.

We recommend, especially if you are re-selling, to pre-wash in Hot water and Synthrapol or our Professional Textile Detergent, all silk before dyeing or painting to remove any leftover residue from the silk worms (Seracin) or finger prints and other stuff that can cause the fabric to dye unevenly. Our product Milsoft is excellent for restoring the soft hand to silk after dyeing.

Made in: CHINA (CN)

Average Customer Review
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5 star rating
I have been actively dyeing these for 2.5 years and although I sell many of them I also wear them daily - so I'm giving feedback from both perspectives.The fabric is beautiful! It dyes well and easily (FYI - I use the microwave method listed in the How-To's). The finished products are gorgeous professional-looking pieces. Without reservation I recommend these. That said here are a few things to be aware of (please note I didn't feel any of them warranted lowering my rating - so these are simply FYI's for you). 1) Every once and a while one slips in that accidentally was sewn with a thread that won't dye - if that happens - let Dharma know and they will replace it - it should not be that way. 2) I find that during the dyeing process about 30% of the time the tag comes at least partially off - I don't care and have not found that my customers do so I don't find this a big deal just mentioning it. 3) Finally it is hand sewn so you do find some imperfections but they are minor and so I just warn customers that is part of what they may find and advise they simply gently trim any loose threads.Again - this is a fabulous product - I've dyed hundreds of these guys by hand (and the 5mm ones). Highly recommend!
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133 of 141 users found this review helpful.

4 star rating
As mentioned by another consumer these scarves have been turning up with polyester threads that DO NOT dye!! I finally resorted to dying a corner of each scarf before dying to see if it was sewn in silk or polyester. Out of 100 scarves dyed recently 45 of them had polyester threads. I had a deadline to meet so it really screwed up my week. Dharma said they will replace the bad scarves but having already dyed them and processed them I will use them in future projects. Too much work......BUT the machine hems are just not the same.
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28 of 30 users found this review helpful.

3 star rating
re: 22 and 30 and 44 squaresi have dyed over 1000 of these over five years as playsilks so i know the product well. as others said the price is good. HOWEVER the quality has gone down particularly in the last couple years. there are less stitches in the hand rolled hems and it is becoming RARE to wash and dry a silk WITHOUT having the hem unroll in one or more spots. very disappointing. i have called and complained to no avail. please consider how you can up the quality of the work on these dharma!
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72 of 78 users found this review helpful.

4 star rating
The quality on these is pretty consistent. Once in a while I'll get one with an impurity woven in or a loose seam. One thing I would prefer is that the tags were consistently added on afterwards for easy removal. Sometimes removing the tag damages the hem other times the tag comes loose and falls off.
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6 of 7 users found this review helpful.

2 star rating
I've been buying these hand rolled hem silk scarves and dyeing them for years. The quality of products I have received in the last 6 months is far lower than what I used to receive. The silk is thinner threads break easily nicks easily is rough and every single scarf comes with a loose thread either on the hem or a thread loose in the weave itself. They are clearly made much more cheaply than they used to be and yet are in the samesimilar price range. I am so disappointed in the evolution of the offerings from Dharma and it's even more of a disappointment because there doesn't seem to be an alternative for small makers like myself. I understand that with the state of the world and the supply chains not being what they once were but these products are un-sellable. They should be marketed as damaged and the price should reflect that.
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13 of 16 users found this review helpful.

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