The Spiral Scarf

The Spiral Scarf
4.53 star rating 4.53 ( 19 review )
Product Details 1-11 12-35 36-59 60+
The Spiral Scarf $7.69 6.98 6.38 5.87
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Due ~ late October
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So pretty! Wear it as a scarf or shawl! Super cool and our newest concept in the scarf world! The scarf is a totally FLAT piece of fabric in the shape of a giant croissant or crescent (like a big crescent moon in the sky) - so it’s easy to dye. No gathers, no folds, no ruffles. It's FLAT! Super easy for tie-dyeing. Put it on your body and it spirals & waterfalls all on its own. Looks complicated - but it’s not! Wear it in a ton of different ways. Great for dancers, too! Made of our Bali rayon Light fabric. Rolled and stitched hem edges. Wafts in the breeze! This scarf/shawl is 8 feet long after shrinkage and is 17” wide at its widest point. Also shown with our new #BR413 Island Smocked Jumpsuit. A great shawl to compliment any summer outfit!


Due ~ late October

Average Customer Review
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5 star rating
This is an amazing scarf - buy it dye it you will be thrilled!
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4 of 5 users found this review helpful.

4 star rating
Very nice and drapy
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4 of 4 users found this review helpful.

3 star rating
Some of the seams were not finished properly. It would be nice if the Dharma manufacturing tag were smaller and not so bright white.How about a tag made of something that dyed as well?
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6 of 8 users found this review helpful.

5 star rating
Looks great kept one white and multi dyed the other
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3 of 4 users found this review helpful.

5 star rating
I bought two dyed them with two of your glorious dyes loved them plan to buy and dye more!
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3 of 4 users found this review helpful.

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