Shopping list:
- Clean,100% cotton t-shirt,
- 1 small Wire Skeleton (Fig.1),
- A base,
- 1/2 liter Paverpol Fabric Hardener,
- Foil sheets,
- Floral or masking tape and Pavercotton.
Let's get started!
Please note that Paverpol has been discontinued. However, this fabric sculpting medium works great!
(If you are using a Paverpol Starter Kit, you received all materials for two small figurines, except the t-shirt.) We suggest you start with a sitting figure. To make a standing figure, you must drill a hole in the base and insert a support rod that will become part of one leg.
- Cut one side of t-shirt into 12 strips, approximately 6" x 2.5". Cut 3 pieces approximately 11 x 11".
- Crumple aluminum foil around wire skeleton to form muscles, breasts, shoulders, head, legs, etc. (Fig. 2) If desired, you may use a styrofoam egg pushed down over the top wire skeleton loop for the head. Squeeze foil firmly around skeleton - it will make your figure stronger. Secure any loose pieces with tape to make wrapping easier.
- If you are using transparent Paverpol, you can custom-color it with dry pigments or acrylic craft paint or Dharma Pigment Dye if desired (no more than 2% liquid color by volume). (Remember, it will generally dry darker.) Dip fabric strips one by one into Paverpol, and squeeze out excess. Do not wring or twist as this will make your saturation uneven. Instead, roll the fabric up as you go. The fabric should be well saturated (knead the Paverpol into the fabric) but not dripping wet. This procedure makes it easier to wrap your form, as you will be able to unroll it as you would a gauze bandage. Paverpol sticks to everything but plastic, so you would want to cover you work area with newspaper or a plastic drop cloth
- Begin to wrap the figure "mummy" style from head to toe. Again, wrapping it firmly will make a stronger figure.
- When finished the first wrapping, bend the figure into the desired pose and set on base or in a hole drilled in base. (Fig. 3 above) Attach the figure to the base with a little Paverpol. When fully dry, it will be solidly attached.
- You can experiment with dressing the figure while the draping fabric is still dry. When you decide how you want your figure dressed, follow the above instructions for saturating with Paverpol. (Fig. 4 above)
- Make your wig by saturating a tuft of Pavercotton or any loose cotton or Roving with desired color Paverpol. Gently pull the tuft to the desired form to make your wig. Once you have the wig situated on the head, finer strands can be pulled with a toothpick for a natural effect.
- You can use a hairdryer to help speed the initial drying time (but NOT a heat gun). After about an hour, your figure is set enough to paint with acrylic. You can dry brush, highlight, accent, etc.
- In approximately 48 hours, your figurine will be hard; it is fully cured in about 2 weeks. If you have painted it with acrylic paint and plan to put it outside, a coating of Paverpol Varnish is recommended.
IMPORTANT! Do not pour Paverpol down your drain. Keep a container of water at your workstation and rinse hands and brushes frequently. Dispose of water in flower garden, etc. When dry, remaining solids can be discarded in any trash receptacle. While Paverpol is water-based and non-toxic, it is made to cure rock-hard, and you don"t want it stuck in your plumbing. You may wear disposable gloves while using Paverpol products if desired.