Syringes - Set of 2

Syringes - Set of 2
4.06 star rating 4.06 ( 35 review )
Product Details List Price 1+
Syringes - Set of 2 $10.19 $6.59
Product Details Qty
Color Chip / Item imageSet of 2
10/25/24 On order and out of stock with the manufacturer. Due date ~02/28
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Multi-purpose plastic syringes for applying resists, dyes and paints. Perfect for fine detail work or free-form spray effects. Each syringe holds approximately .5~.75 fluid ounces (approx. 20ml) and they are not graduated (no measurement markings on the barrel).

Comes in a set of 2.
Prices per set of 2.


10/25/24 On order and out of stock with the manufacturer. Due date ~02/28

Average Customer Review
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4 star rating
I have used the straight fine line syringe so far... it gave a good narrow line but not really consistant kept getting blotches...maybe I just need to keep trying and perfect my technique.
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2 of 2 users found this review helpful.

3 star rating
A bit of a challenge to fill and use at first but you get great control with a bit of practice.
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2 of 2 users found this review helpful.

3 star rating
A little challenging to fill at first but good control of the dye can be had with a little practice with these.
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2 of 2 users found this review helpful.

1 star rating
plunger works to stiff can dispense to much dye where not wanted
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2 of 2 users found this review helpful.

4 star rating
Work well for limited application of dyes.
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2 of 2 users found this review helpful.

Customer Comments
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