Muck Acid Dyes 2023

USE FOR: Tub Dyeing or direct application techniques (with steaming)

USE ON: Protein fibers like Silk, wool, hair (fur), feathers, etc., also works on Nylon. 

Muck Acid Dyes 2023

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Sometimes we end up with batches of Muck dye, these are limited in quantity and it's impossible to re-create the colors. This time we have 6 Dharma Acid Dye muck colors here at a great price! Our Facebook Fans came up with the names, and here they are! Quantities are VERY limited, and when they're gone, they really are gone and can never be re-created, so get some quick if you like 'em. Then the only thing left to do will be to show us what you do with them!

Acid Dyes are concentrated powdered dyes for dyeing protein fibers and some Nylons (best for PFP or "prepared for printing" Nylon). The best choice for tub dyeing silk and wool fabrics, skeins of silk or wool yarn, feathers, etc. You can also paint or print with with it if you fix it by steaming. For tub dyeing, use these dyes on your stove or in a washing machine, keeping in mind that they do require very HOT water or steaming for best results. The only other thing needed is white vinegar for the fixative, or citric acid which is odorless. Acid Dyes react fast, exhaust well, and results for most colors are very lightfast and washfast. As with all powdered dyes or craft chemicals, handle with care and use good housekeeping procedures. Our color charts were done from wool dyeings, in a pot, on the stove. Silk and wool do not always come out the same color, techniques and water cause variation, plus monitors vary, etc., so when color is critical, test, test, test! Wash items dyed with acid dye in cold water. For a dye for protein fibers that is washfast even in hot water, see our new Dharma Lanaset Dyes.

Click on the "Instructions" tab for complete instructions, very useful charts on the properties of the dye colors and a very helpful "trouble shooting" article. Keep in mind that an * by the name of a dye color (blacks and navy) indicates to use that color at 4% of weight of goods rather than 1.5 - 2% for the rest of the colors.


Average Customer Review
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3 star rating
I purchased 5 of the 6. They are fun. Rip Van Periwinkle and Lime in the coconut will get used again. Muck and Cheese is very orange. Cream Soda looks like cooked rainbow chard but is ok if overdyed.
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3 of 5 users found this review helpful.

4 star rating
I decided to try lime in the coconut and love the color on silk. Only 4 stars because container is only half full.
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1 of 3 users found this review helpful.

2 star rating
Tried the rotten rose much dye. Can't get any pinkish out of it only green. Have tried DOI DUI and HWI. Disappointed.
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0 of 0 users found this review helpful.

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